
神奈川県私立中学校ソフトテニス大会 個人の部にて受賞しました。





On January 28, some members from English club went to the English parliamentary debate competition for Kanagawa prefecture. It was our very first trial and it was a challenging experience for us. We started practicing a month before the competition and tried to learn as much as we could about the debate. Although we were not able to win, we will move on to the next stage! This will be a national competition held at ICU in March. We are excited about this opportunity to grow in our English debate skills. These are the motions that were given for this competition. (English club)

First around: THBT convenience stores should be closed from late night until early morning.
Second round: THW ban talent agency’s contract to forbid “pop idols” from dating.
Third round: THBT social networking sites do more harm than good to politics.

